Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Happy 101st Birthday Rosa Parks!

Last night before bed we read three books: Let's Read About…Rosa Parks, by Courtney Baker; Mufaro's Beautiful Daughters, an African Tale, by John Steptoe; and Jonathan and His Mommy, by Irene Smalls. All the books were great. I vaguely remembered the story of Mufaro's Beautiful Daughters from when I was a little girl - the story was beautifully captured in the illustrations. And Jonathan and His Mommy had the boys giggling and excited to go on a walk with me to try some of the moves. This morning DS2 and I sat and read again, Let's Read About…Rosa Parks.

Not a page into the book and DS1 joined us reading and asked some very good questions. We discussed chivalry, how no man should ever ask a woman for a seat, unless there's something wrong that would require him to sit (say he has a broken leg, or is in a wheel chair, etc.). We talked about how at one time the laws were very unfair, despite that we knew all people are equal, and Rosa Parks was very brave standing up for what she knew to be right. Her bravery helped get the laws changed. God created us all in His image, and we all are valuable, precious and equal. 

After the boys and I breakfasted on cereal with strawberries, the boys played swords with the K'nects, I did some laundry, washed the kitchen and powder room floors. The boys helped me for a little bit of washing the floor. We discussed how it is important to keep the floors clean. We don't want to invite bugs into our house and we want to keep bad germs away. I then put on their BOZ DVD while I went up to take a shower and get dressed. When I came downstairs, the boys helped themselves to the leftover wacky cake that was sitting in a container on the counter. There were crumbs everywhere - on the freshly washed kitchen floor, all through the living room…oh my! Well, no more television for the day. I vacuumed, and swept and wiped up the floors. Since the BOZ video was about numbers, we practiced our numbers by trying to call my mom, and my MIL by telling DS1 the numbers and him finding them on the phone and pressing them. That way we not only identified numbers, he had to listen to me, push them the correct number of times, and in the correct order, so we could make the phone call the person we wanted. If he got the numbers wrong, the wrong person would be called.

The plumber came to look at why our shower in the master bath wasn't working. A handyman said it was the diverter. The plumber sensed it was just the shower head that went bad. DS1 was following him around asking questions and showing him his plush alligator he got from his Babci for Christmas. The plumber is impressed that he could pronounce aerator so well. 

After lunch, we headed out to run some errands and we ended at the library, see the new list of books on the blog. When we pulled up to our house, we had a stack of packages from Amazon and other places. It was exciting because when we did talk to Babci, she said we would be getting a package in the mail. Unfortunately, the packages weren't from her. They were all for Mommy - bummer for the boys. Mommy was happy with a surprise Valentine's gift from Daddy.

Four new Springerle Molds from House on the Hill. I love their molds, and I actually had two of the four molds in my shopping cart. I love window shopping their stuff and saving things in my cart to dream. I have the best husband in the world, even though he's currently on the other side of it. 

After our running around, we ate dinner, the boys wanted cereal again, I wasn't arguing. I was taking out all the leftovers from the past month and chucking them, getting disgusted at how much food I waste, despite my best efforts to try to eat my leftovers. I reheated a stuffed pepper from last week, for myself for dinner. DS2 was cold as he was finishing he dinner, so after we had a cookie for dessert, we got changed into our pajamas early. The boys wanted to read. We snuggled onto the big red couch with the red and black pirate blanket Nana crocheted for the boys, a boy tucked on each side of me, and we read for over an hour. Here's the impressive list:

Make Way for Ducklings, by Robert McCloskey, BIGMAMA'S, by Donald Crews, King Arthur's Very Great Grandson, by Kenneth Kraegel, Little Tad Grows Up, by Giuliano Ferri, Froggie Went A-Courtin', by Iza Trapani, Groundhog Day!, by Gail Gibbons, The Gingerbread Man Loose on the Firetruck, by Laura Murray, Mr. Groundhog Wants the Day Off, by Pat Stemper Vojta, My Pig Amarillo, by Satomi Ichikawa, Air Show!, by Treat Williams, The Kissing Hand, by Audrey Penn, ZATHURA, by Chris Van Allsburg, and Insect Detective, by Steve Voake.

PHEW! That was a lot of reading, and by the end both boys started getting antsy. DS2 was very tired, so we went upstairs and brushed teeth, read three more books (short board books about going to sleep), said our prayers, and went to sleep. 

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